With our concepts simple sales from customer events
We create the demand for your offers with the right speaker topics!
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Activate participants with the ideal speaker for you
We know more than 5000 speakers worldwide - we know who works!
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Our speaker competence also for your employee event:
More value and enthusiasm for extra power in your team!
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Learn and laugh
Enable and inspire! Attract and retain employees and customers.
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Our speakers are role models
The right speaker sends the right messages to change attitudes!
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Worldwide expertise for events
Our international event experience for your success!
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Brain-based knowledge transfer
Understand, remember, implement with motivation
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Creative event formats
Barcamps, Worldcafes, Design, Thinking and much more.
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Fascinating venues
We've been searching for the best venues for 20 years.
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Worldwide proven partners
Unique network of event experts
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Our top references: The Who-Is-Who in business!
And also numerous medium-sized, successful companies. When will you be one of them?
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The joy of the event experience
We love good events that fascinate.
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Results count
We always measure event success because it's easy.
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experts4events - your experts for events with speakers worldwide!

Investing in marketing or employee events with speakers from experts4events is worthwhile:

Our event formats with speakers elegantly turn prospects into customers.

Because speakers easily change attitudes in the minds of your participants!

Events with (prominent) speakers strengthen your brand in the market.

Participants are easily won, the events are fully booked!

Our event concepts with speakers create fan communities for the event.

Fans gladly pay for the event, event marketing costs (almost) nothing anymore!

Events with speakers educate and develop people.

Your participants are grateful and loyal to you!

Event formats by experts4events always include a smart follow-up concept.

People don't like to buy on the spot, but they like to buy from the next contact afterwards!

Events with speakers attract attention and activate markets.

Turnover just through special event communication and recommendation!

Our trainers / speakers inspire and enrich employees.

Siegfried Haider, as a former HR manager/personnel developer, knows what works!

Founder as well as honorary

Member MICE Hall of Fame:


Initiator/Member of the Board:

Founder as well as honorary

Member MICE Hall of Fame:


Initiator/Member of the Board:

Customer and employee events: easy and successful with the concepts of experts4events!

Countries where experts4events offers international MICE experience:
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