Roger Konopasek

Transformational Leadership Catalyst


  • Transformational Leadership – Achieving Predictable, Measurable Change In Teams
  • Corporate CS – Unmasking The Hidden Truth Behind Corporate Politics and
  • Creating Open Working Cultures
  • Team Velocity – Creating A Fast Paced Leadership & Empowerment
  • Culture That Allows Teams To React To The Market In Real Time
  • Creative Self-Destruction – How Disrupting Your Own Business Model And Thinking Processes Will Lead To Cutting Edge New Solutions
  • Culture Mergers – A Path To Smoothly Synchronizing Different Cultures After M&As Using Measurable Psychological Principles
Based in Singapore, but born in Graz, Austria, Roger Konopasek has worked hand in hand with top executives in several of the globally most recognized companies such as HP, Philips, Dell, Citibank, supporting their leaders to create measurable accelerated rates of change in the teams. Re-shaping the way managers lead teams of highly bought-in individuals who fully align themselves with the company’s purpose and goals. Roger specializes in working with dynamic enterprises living through periods of rapid and significant change: companies that are growing, downsizing, restructuring, or moving into a new phase of their development.

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