Roger Harrop

Ranked in the top 10 Management & Strategy Speakers Worldwide


  • Staying in the helicopter – The Key to Sustained Profitable Growth
    A quality of strategic thinking about your business like never before
  • WIN! How to succeed in the new game of business
    Business has changed, winning organisations today are those focussed mercilessly on the new basics
  • Electrify your Profitability
    Your business laid bare. No business speak, no academic theories – just the simple common sense of business with demonstrably startling results
  • Sparkling Sales – in good times and bad
    Highly motivatational and inciteful tools and secrets to achieve immediate growth in sales – in good times or in bad!
  • Effective Leadership Today
    The role of the successful Business Leader today has changed – with a need to spend time in the helicopter whilst keeping it simple – at the core
  • Creativity, Technology, Speed and Change
    – learn the secrets of today’s winning companies
  • Solve the People Puzzle
  • Present and Pitch for Profit
Based in the UK, Roger Harrop, The CEO Expert, has spent over 25 years leading international business at the highest level. His mix of vast experience allied with an accomplished ability to make business simple and his infectious enthusiasm and energy has inspired global audiences and made him the most highly regarded and sought after international business growth expert. Delegates leave his events with secrets and tools to develop their business, their Management skills and to achieve immediate, sustained business and personal growth.

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“I attended the Global Elsevier Ops Conference and I really, really enjoyed your talk and workshop.
For me that was high level business education for all of us.”
Nicolas Artelluci
Elsevier, Paris
“I just wanted to thank you again. When working on one’s own, we all need an adrenaline “shot in the arm” which is exactly what I got from your talk yesterday.”
Vimal Desai
CEO Kare Plus Aylesbury
"Roger is a highly polished speaker with fantastic content. He literally had the audience in the palm of his hand and they left inspired with new ideas to move their businesses forwards. Roger talks from experience and shares impact stories which delegates easily relate to. Pound for pound Roger is the best speaker on his subject I have seen."
Warren Cass
Founder, Business Scene
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