Nigel Risner

Turning limited people limitless


  • IT’S A ZOO AROUND HERE! Discover your inner animal as well as the ones in your office and start using communication that connects and inspires.
  • THE IMPACT CODE – Consider your present and make an IMPACT to begin your best future.
Entertaining and unreservedly direct, Nigel isn’t just a motivational speaker – he is a company turnaround specialist driving everyone from CEOs to school children to ignite excitement and action in their life.​For more than 20 years, Nigel has been on his quest to make you the best by sharing his techniques and tools to break through the boundaries we put up around us. His always animated and interactive presentations have inspired thousands of FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 delegates, school children, charities, and prison inmates, in groups of five to 5000 and all over the world, into taking positive strides in their work and personal life.​No longer living the dress rehearsal of their life, Nigel’s words whip up listeners into action; energised and passionate.

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“The future of Britain’s self esteem is safe in Nigel’s hands. He has an awesome presence which touches and transforms people’s lives!”
Jack Canfield
Co-Author New York Time #1 Best Selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series
“Nigel has remained my all-time favourite speaker. His positivity, passion and nuggets of wisdom truly inspired me. A fantastic presenter and a wonderful person who I hope I get the pleasure of working with again one day.”
Deborah Macfarlane
Marketing Capability Manager – Marks & Spencer
“The future of Britain’s self esteem is safe in Nigel’s hands. He has an awesome presence which touches and transforms people’s lives!"
Jack Canfield
Co-Author New York Time #1 Best Selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series
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