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Matt Crabtree

Positive Momentum


Matt speaks about Leadership, Sales, Motivation and Change from the perspective of a practitioner. He has sat where your audience are sitting and understands that flowery slides and academic theory, whilst terribly interesting, are of little use on a wet Wednesday afternoon in a local office with a stacked inbox, series of boring conference calls and a to do list that seems to be breeding of its own accord!

Matt will engage your audience in a discussion about their real world challenges and offer deeply practical and proven solutions to these most mundane of issues. He will do this with energy, humour and a deep respect for those he is privileged to speak to.
Based in the UK, Matt Crabtree is the founder and principal partner of Positive Momentum. Through a carefully contrived strategy of luck, sycophancy and outright bribery, Matt enjoyed a sales and general management corporate career with the likes of Pitney Bowes, AT&T and Barclays Bank. Today he travels the world working with clients that want to take their sales, leadership and/or motivational game to the next level. He speaks at conferences, provides one to one coaching and runs selective training workshops.

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He gets it. Every time. His enthusiasm is infectious, his content and case studies are both credible and authentic. He cares as much about what happens afterwards as he does during the assignment. A partner, not just a keynote speaker for hire.
Steve Allen
Global Head of Operations, Barclays Bank Plc
Matt took our group of General Managers by storm. Offered more than a two-day leadership conference in less than 2-hours.
Red Bull
Matt is an outstanding speaker, the way he captures the attention of the attention of the audience is impressive.
BNP Paribas
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