Bertrand Piccard


  • Abenteuer ist ein Geisteszustand: Die Metapher der Weltumrundung im Ballon
  • Werden Sie ein Pionier Ihres Lebens
  • Wie Sie mit Krisensituationen und Stress umgehen
  • Führen von Teams: Vom Breitling Orbiter zu Solarimpulse
  • Technologie von morgen: Die Zukunft ist Clean
With his dual identity as a medical doctor and explorer, Bertrand Piccard has become an influential voice heard among the most distinguished institutions across the globe as a forward-thinking leader in progress and sustainability. He is independent, not affiliated to a particular party or lobbying group, and as such is a trusted adviser and influencer for the development of new societal solutions, and a very sought-after speaker for private and public audiences.

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«Just a few lines to thank you from the bottom of my heart, on behalf of all the staff at J&J Medical, for an unforgettable afternoon. I say afternoon, because even after you had left, you were still very present in our minds and in our conversations. Not only because of your amazing achievement, but also – and above all - for your humanity and the messages you conveyed during your presentation.»
Johnson & Johnson Medical
«The content of your presentation and all your other contributions made an exceptional impact on all the participants, who were filled with enthusiasm and emotion. We are certain that everyone will be able to apply at least a few of your ideas in their daily lives, both professional and private.»
«Just as your balloon flight was a complete success, so too, thanks crucially to your presence, was our seminar. I am convinced that your presentation will have contributed greatly to re-motivating our staff. Judging from the feedback I have received, all have absorbed the fact that « struggling against the wind serves no purpose – instead learn to use it to arrive at your destination in life.».
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