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Robert Benninga

Be the very best you can be!


„The HiT Experience“ program gives the answer to the Seven HiT Questions for Top Results. It is a reality check where thousands of participants from tens of major companies and organizations and events went through that will bring clarity, sharpness and focus to everybody’s offering. It will break through major blocking beliefs and give concrete action plans to take the organization and individuals to the next level of success. Mit der deutschen Paartherapeutin Ingeborg Weser gründete er „CouplePower“: „Wir zwei – stärker denn je!“ Interaktive Vorträge und Workshops über starke Liebesbeziehungen und kraftvolle Partnerschaften.

other Keynotes and Workshops: Be the Best You Can Be, More with Less, Do not Tell… ASK, Building Trust, Wake-up Call, Positive Leadership & Change Management, The Art of Relaxed Concentration, Happy Cows Give Better and more Milk, The Do’s and Don’ts with Mergers and Acquisitions 

Robert Benninga (YPOer since 1990) had his corporate career with five leading multinational companies. Robert is known as an authority on personal and professional leadership and on building human relationships for top results. Working in MindPower sessions with more than 300,000 people in 57 countries inspired Robert to also start-up CouplePower with his partner Ingeborg Weser to empower romantic relationships worldwide. With the Triple S Method they help to fulfill the huge potential we all have at work and at home to really feel Safe, Seen and Supported and perform at our very best.


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“Mit Ingeborgs und Roberts Triple S Methode können wir unsere Partnerschaft wirklich fit halten. Durch die vielen praktischen Hilfsmitteln, Hintergrundinformationen und Übungen verstehe ich unsere alltägliche Paardynamik jetzt viel besser und weiß jetzt, wie ich sie weiter optimieren kann. Mir ist klar geworden, wie ich mich viel besser auf unsere tieferen Bedürfnisse richten kann, statt den Fokus auf unser Verhalten zu legen. Machen Sie dieses Paartraining zusammen, es lohnt sich!”
Andrea Fernandez
Business Consultant, Berlin
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