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Steve Barnett

The Silent Conductor


Imagine the conductor not uttering a word yet speaking volumes about leadership, communication, cooperation and synergy. Imagine a learning experience more powerful than words.

Without speaking, and armed with only a baton, enlivened by energy and humour, he conducts orchestras like none other on Earth. No one in his charge has rehearsed, and for some it may be the first time they have wielded an instrument. But the music they create together amazes and inspires.

Steve Barnett was born and raised in South Africa where he was infused with the country’s unique rhythm. He believes that the pulse and energy of his homeland are a real value to share with the world. Steve has been a ‘Non-Speaker’ on the Professional Speakers circuit for the past 18 years. Without saying a word, he conducts his audiences and they become his orchestra. Using simple percussion instruments, humour, and positive energy he engages his audience with dynamic ease and moulds an orchestra from each group he encounters, be they 30 people in corporate surroundings, 3 000 in an auditorium or 30 000 in a soccer stadium. Each session combines the laughter and celebration of making music with the joy of communicating together on the most fundamental level.

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"That was totally sensational, It was more than spirit-building…it was a spiritual experience. I can recommend you unreservedly to anyone. Thank you for transforming our staff in a day"
Michelle Blummenau
Fedsure Health Marketing
"One can talk about ‘unity’, one can intellectualize about it, but all of this conjecture appears as nothing when you experience the real thing. Its transcendent, it sets you free, it reveals our true potential."
Louis Gavin
DDB South Africa
"There are certain things that cannot be described; they just have to be experienced. One such event was sitting in a West End London theatre last week beating out intricate percussion tunes in perfect harmony with 500 other members of the audience. Our conductor was Steve Barnett – the world’s premier motivational non-speaker. Without saying a word Barnett led his audience-turned-orchestra merely by a dash of his hand and an expressive face….Quite spectacular!"
Elizma Nolte
South Africa Times U.K.
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