CSP Paul ter Wal

Make Your Choice! A highly engaged workforce means low absenteeism and high productivity!


    Increasing profitability is possible in many ways; with cost reduction, more productivity per hour, higher prices etc. One of the most successful and more sustainable ways is by increasing engagement or work happiness of the employees.


    “Sustainable employability” is a new word. You will have to work more years, maybe until 67 years of even more. To be able to work longer you need to find that kind of work you really love to do: the job that gives you the work happiness and satisfaction you need to get out of bed every morning with the right leg.

Paul ter Wal is International Engagement Explorer, employability expert and workplace architect. For more than 25 years he has been in the speaking, consulting, and training business for executives, Human Beings directors and employees.

Happiness Makes Money.

According to the Gallup Engagement Index a staggering 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged at work. The world has a crisis of engagement, with serious and potentially long- lasting repercussions for the organizations.

This is where Paul ter Wal steps in. The former lawyer works on both sides – employer and employees – to create work happiness and loyalty. His concept is based on finding the “Non- Negotiables” and the core values of the individual as well as the company. Because a highly engaged workforce means the difference between a company that thrives and one that struggles.

When employees are engaged, they are passionate, creative, and entrepreneurial, and their enthusiasm fuels growth. These employees are emotionally connected to the mission and purpose of their work.

The former lawyer at a social benefits organization as well as Assistant Director of a Public Health Insurance company started his consulting career at Capgemini in the field of social security and labor law. Today Paul ter Wal is a professional speaker, advisor, work health specialist. His company is called Team ANDARE.

Paul is recognized as Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) by the Professional Speakers Australia as well as Fellow (FPSA) by the Professional Speaking Association in the UK and Ireland. Paul was President of the Global Speakers Federation in 2019 – 2020; he is currently President of the Virtual Speakers Association International (2022 – 2024).



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"Paul ter Wal inspired people during a lunch meeting of 10 HR managers representing large organisations from up north when he shared his vision of sustainable employability. Making reciprocal agreements from the core values of both company and employee and to also respect and honour these agreements, leads to a higher level of engagement and higher productivity! Paul supported his vision with practical examples and gave his audience something to think about. He is not only a storyteller, but also possesses a great deal of practical experience. Fascinating material for a presentation, but perhaps also a starting point for a renewed view on sustainable employability and absenteeism for organisations."
Drs. A (Arjan)
Dokt0r Physician Commercial Director Wibbens arbeidskundig advies B.V.
"Paul’s delivery changes your perception of staff engagement and the attitude towards vision and mission statements. Bright, lively, witty and credible content from a truly professional speaker presented with a genuine passion for his subject."
David Hyner
"I recently saw Paul ter Wal speak at a conference in Canberra, Australia, about engagement and accountability. His message was brilliant, with leading edge research and ideas, plus it was full of practical tips and tools that I could implement in my business immediately. I’m seeing results with my people already. Thanks for some great inspiration, Paul!"
Lindsay Adams
CSPGlobal, Australia
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