Geoff Ramm

Geoff Ramm
Inspiring Audiences Around The World
- Celebrity Service: You know your customer service is good, but then along came Celebrity Service – the unseen gap between Good and Amazing. From room service in South Africa, visiting a toy shop in London, to trying on clothes in New York, Celebrity Service is the philosophy that changes everything in your business creating incredible word of mouth that has customers beating down your door for more. This keynote and master class will not only inspire you and your audience but will have you scribbling ideas down to generate unlimited ideas to stand out from the competition.
- OMG – Observational Marketing Greats: From the greatest business cards on earth to promotional materials that defy the national response rates, see how brands of all shapes and sizes stand can out from the crowd. Discover the marketing campaigns that generate amazing publicity and how they excite & engage audiences throughout the world with their social media and marketing strategies.
Like you, Geoff Ramm, the creator and author of Celebrity Service and OMG Marketing, knows that great customer service leads to lucrative, repeat business but a greater experience leads to global recognition. So how can you design a customer experience that has you talked about for decades to come? Geoff knows the Jedi Mind Trick to make you craved by your customers, envied by your competitors and raved about in your industry. In his interactive keynotes, your audience will not only discover out-of-this-world ideas, they will come up with them and be excited to implement them too. He has challenged and inspired entrepreneurs, companies and organisations across 44 countries to create award winning ideas to outperform the competition. Oh and his on-stage and on-screen presence and infectious enthusiasm and humour will have you on the edge of your seats. His clients include; Emirates, Warner Bros, McDonalds & Evonik. Forbes called him ‘A GAME CHANGER’.
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Schlagwörter zum Speaker
- Brand, Costumer Service, Marketing, Respekt, Sales, Überzeugungskraft, USP, Ziele erreichen
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